About S.T.A.R.S.

S.T.A.R.S. is a group of women, moms, care-givers who are on a mission to encourage, inspire, and motivate othershirt get active, get moving and be healthy role models. We are agents of change. We understand the struggle. It is a lifelong fight.

Monday, January 23, 2017

A Lifestyle Change was in Order

M. Celeste invited me to walk/jog with S.T.A.R.S. this past summer. I came 3 Saturdays and became a member. Everyone has been very supportive.One Saturday, Mit asked if l could ride to Chicago with her. She suggested that l participate but l was apprehensive, however, l walked/jogged anyway. I've been addicted every since.

I work with Alzheimer's/Dementia and Hospice clients which can be emotional. Fitness alleviates my stress, anxiety and frustrations and replenishes my vessel. I've lost, gained and maintained for several months only to gain it all back. It had caused depression and l began to shy away to things of importance.

My Doctor wanted to start a script for high cholesterol, diabetes and increase BP med. A lifestyle change was in order....stat. I began with exercising and drinking smoothies. Shortly, then after l started with a personal trainer which lead to boot camp and running. I've lost 40 lbs., cholesterol has decreased by 18 points and my A1C is in a normal range.

Exercising whether it's running, swimming or strength training; it enhances my mood. Physical activity is a necessity while striving to be fit for life.

Thank you,

Dawn A. Davis

Saturday, December 24, 2016

My First Marathon

My name is LaShaundra Wilson and I am a marathoner!  I completed my first full marathon December 5th, 2015 (St Jude Marathon). I would love to share with you my experience as far as training for the marathon and running the actual marathon. First, I would like to briefly share with you my journey and how I became a runner.
                How I Started Running....
In 2014, I participated in a program that changed my life. This program started me on my healthy lifestyle journey. The name of the program is ICCA Lose Big Challenge. During this program, we had a fitness instructor that motivated, inspired, and pushed us. She would talk about a group that consisted of beautiful women who either walked or ran. When our Lose Big Program ended, she asked the question, "What is your plan"? She invited us to a S.T.A.R.S. meet up (which took place on Saturday mornings) she  told us just because the program ended, this did not have to be the end of our journey.  I decided to go. I knew she ran, but I have always said "I am not a runner and I have no interest in running". At the meet up, I saw all of these women who looked like me and they were running! I was inspired, I told myself that day that I was going to run.  I started out doing a walk/run, then finally I got to the point where I was no longer walking, just running. I have been a member of S.T.A.R.S. since May, 2014.
                      Marathon Training....
Last summer, myself and 2 other ladies from STARS decided that we were going to run a full marathon, crazy I know! I knew training was going to consist of a lot of running, 5 months of running to be exact. In  the beginning it wasn't bad, I was running a couple days a week and the miles were not that bad. Eventually, it got to the point where the miles were increasing and I felt like all I did was Run, Work, Sleep. Training was brutal ! I had a boot camp class that I attended on Saturday mornings but I had to stop attending that class because I had my long runs on Saturday mornings. I want to say the end of August, early Sept, my left leg started bothering me. I kept going, I knew if I wanted to be ready, I had to run. I kept telling myself push through. I will tell anyone always listen to your body! Eventually, I went to the doctor. My doctor told me I had shin splints and told me to buy compression socks and also take time off from training. I felt like quitting, I was in pain and drained. My doctor said something to me that I will never forget, he said and I quote "Please do not take this the wrong way, but marathoners are built a certain way". I said to him "What are you trying to say". I knew what he was implying. One thing about me, if you tell me I cannot do something, then I am going to prove you wrong, I was back in the game! 

The day of the marathon, I was nervous, but I felt fine. The race started, I had a nice pace, but when I think back on it, maybe I started out to fast. I kept saying to myself 26.2 miles, you got this. Mile after mile, I ran. Eventually, it got to the point where people who were running the half marathon went a different way and we went another way. I made it to mile 15 and that is when everything changed for me. I mentally checked out, physically, nothing was wrong. I started walking. I became tired and frustrated. I didn't understand what was going on, I knew I could do it, I did it during training! I continued to do a walk/run and I started praying. I am praying and crying and asking  God to be with me, to help me. My SISTARS came back for me, I told them to go ahead, don't wait for me, that I was going to finish. I do not remember what mile it was but Felicia showed me this man that was running, he was doing a slow jog, she said run like that. God answered my prayer! I changed how I was running to a slow jog and I completed my marathon. I cried when I crossed the finish line. Never in a million years did I ever think I would run a full marathon. I am my own worst critic, yes I finished but I did not like the way I ran that race, so I knew I had to run one more marathon. I came back home, I started strength training and really focusing on getting stronger. 
I will tell anyone, you can do whatever you want to do, but sometimes, you have to work hard to achieve it. Find something that you are passionate about, do not let fear keep you stuck in the same spot. It is okay to step out of your comfort zone. Do not be afraid to try, have someone that is going to hold you accountable. I have an AP( accountability partner) that doesn't let me get away with anything!  She is constantly texting me making sure I am doing what I am supposed to do. I enjoy running, but I really enjoy strength training, I am still taking my Saturday class, but I have my own personal programs that I am doing on my own. My running has improved because of it. I am no longer that person who says I CAN'T because I CAN! I ran my second marathon in Feb of this year and what a difference! I ran it the way that I knew I could. I was stronger and it showed. I plan on running another marathon next year, my goal is to PR( beat my own personal record) if it happens great, if it doesn't, I will be ok with that. I have to remember, not everyone can say they have ran a full marathon.   I will end on this note, earlier in the year when I had my dr's appt, I showed him my medals and I said to him remember what you said to me, you were wrong! I did it, now tell me congratulations! 😀

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

ThanK YoU and S.T.A.R.S. SALUTES!!


We would like to send a special thank you to all of our sponsors, supporters and contributors for the 2016 year. Without generous donations and gifts we would not be able to do what we do. Thank you to Spectrum Health Hospital, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan, Lake Michigan Credit Union Bridge Run, Soulful Motion, Leola Collins, Fifth Third River Bank Run, YMCA Activate and Grand Rapids African American Health Institute. 

Monday, December 12, 2016


Have you ever wondered how you keep going in the midst of trials and tribulations? How you are still able to stand tall when everything around you is crumbling to pieces? Is it grace? Is it favor? Are you better than the mom who has fallen apart? Are you better than the mom who has given up? I think NOT!


As we look toward a new year that is swiftly approaching we are calling on each sister to unite and lift one another up. No woman is strong on an island. No one hears her cry, but there is strength in numbers. There is force when we bind together and come against the enemy. The enemy may be your job, your bills, your health regimen that continues to beat you over the head (uuughhh!), it may be the mom who seems to have it altogether. (you know that is not your enemy, right?)

What enemy will you DECLARE TO DEFEAT IN 2017? VICTORY IS YOURS! PULL OUT THAT SUPER HEROINE CAPE, PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND LET'S GET TO WORK! Turn on your favorite girl power anthem song (because you know we can't do it without our power music) and let's KILL IT! We got this! There is strength in NUMBERS! WHO IS WITH ME!?!?!

Don't Leave Me Alone Out Here On this ISLAND! Where my GIRLS at?